Saturday, September 11, 2010

And I Thought New England Weather was Crazy...

Today, I built a snow man on the equator.

Well, technically it wasn't snow, it was hail, and technically it wasn't the Equator, it was about 45 minutes away.  But still.

The normal afternoon shower turned into torrential downpours which turned into hail, and lots of it.  The hail pelted the roof, and covered the front lawn in a blanket of white.  When it lightened up a bit, I went outside with my host brother and his girlfriend and made (miniature) snowmen.  I never thought I would crave hot chocolate in Ecuador.

Before this crazy weather started, I had gone hiking with my host father.  Ilalo is a (dormant) volcano about 10 minutes down the road by foot with a hiking trail/pasture complete with grazing cows...  My host father climbs it every weekend, and can make it up the 3 km trail in 30 minutes.  It took me an hour.  The altitude effect is crazy!  From the top, which was marked by a giant cross covered in mirrors, I could see the entirety of Los Chillos Valley, and the other mountains that surrounded it, which made for a pretty awesome view.


1 comment:

  1. and i thought hiking mount washington was liking ecuador =)
